Legal Information
Atlas Correction Practice
Non-medical healing practitioner Heike Göring, also responsible for the content of the homepage within the meaning of § 18 para. 2 of the German Legal Framework for Electronic Media.
Schweizer Platz 56
60594 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49 (0) 69-96 37 49 83
Fax: +49 (0) 69-96 37 49 84
E-Mail: h.goering [at] atlasoptimal.com
Alternative Practitioner (title granted in the Federal Republic of Germany)
The authorisation was granted to me by the Frankfurt Regulatory Agency pursuant to section 1 para. 1 of the Alternative Medical Practitioners Act on 12 May 2016.
Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Frankfurt am Main, Breite Gasse 28, 60313 Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Law on the Professional Practice of Alternative Medicine without Medical Appointment (Alternative Medical Practitioners Act) and Implementing Regulation. Available for reference online at http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/heilprg/index.html and http://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/heilprgdv_1/index.html.
Guidelines for the examination of candidates for non-medical healing practitioner according to § 2 of the German Non-Medical Practitioners Act in conjunction with § 2 paragraph 1 letter i of the First Implementing Ordinance to the German Non-Medical Practitioners Act, available at https://www.bundesanzeiger.de/ebanzwww/wexsservlet?page.navid=to_bookmark_official&bookmark_id=d6Pk1lbZta8EPCulJuE.
AXA Versicherung AG, Colonia-Allee 10-20, 51067 Köln
Scope of coverage within the Federal Republic of Germany
The practice of alternative medicine in Germany is exempt from value added tax pursuant to section 4 No. 14 UStG (Value Added Tax Act). For this reason, I do not charge VAT for these activities and therefore do not report it.
Copyright information for the videos, music and images used / picture credits
Photo right
© AtlasOptimal®
Uli Schwab
Photos in all menus, with the exception of the menu “The Atlas”
Video “Atlas and Optimalia” (see link under the heading children)
Photo rights
© AtlasOptimal® 2018
Music rights
GEMA-free music: „Sweet memories“ of terrasound.de and „a winter lullaby“ of frametraxx.de
Website and technical implementation
Deborah Klugt – WebArtistA
Dispute resolution
The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
I am not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Atlas correction is scientifically disputed and is not recognised by conventional medicine. The effects described are based solely on practical experience. According to the recognised rules and principles of scientific research, there is no scientific proof of the effects. The process of atlas correction is always dependent on individual patient factors. A concrete effect can therefore not be guaranteed.